You may think that esthetician schools and programs are all pretty much the same, but this isn’t really true. AtÂ
Skin Science Institute, with campuses in Orem and Sandy, we offer several differentÂ
high-quality programs for estheticians and aspiring estheticians.
Basic Esthetician Program
For those new to the skin care profession, we offer ourÂ
basic esthetician program. In order to be accredited by the state, all esthetician schools must provide 600 hours of instruction to prepare students to take the state licensing exam. Skincare courses must cover certain basic topics that students will be questioned on for the exam.
However, like any school, the quality of the teachers and the program itself matters. At our esthetician school, we have many master esthetician instructors with years of experience in teaching. Our students love our teachers, and they count on them to be demanding, but fair. It is the job of our instructors to prepare you to pass your state licensing exam, and they work hard to help students achieve.
Master Esthetician Program
In order to get your masterÂ
esthetician license, you need to take a second, advanced 600-hour course. Some students graduate from the basic esthetician program, pass their exam, begin working as an esthetician and come back months or years later to tackle theÂ
master esthetician program.
However, if you sign up for both theÂ
basic and the master esthetician programs at the same time, you receive a discount on the tuition. Additionally, we believe that it’s a little bit easier to do these esthetician courses consecutively, when all the technical information is still fresh in your mind.
Instructor Internship
At Skin Science Institute, we also offer training to be an esthetician instructor. Being an instructor is a rewarding career in which you help students realize their dreams of getting their esthetician license. Moreover, as an esthetician instructor, you will have the edge over other master estheticians when you are applying for jobs. Doctors and spa and salon owners hold teachers in higher regard than other master estheticians.
instructor internship is 300 hours and is offered on a full-time or part-time schedule.
Eyelash Classes
For those who want to learn more about how to perform eyelash services, we offerÂ
eyelash classes. In our eyelash classes, we provide instruction in how to doÂ
eyelash extensions, eyelash tinting, eyelash perming and false eyelash application.
Having proper training to work on eyelashes is important because bringing tools and chemicals near the eyes can be dangerous. Additionally, the instructors at ourÂ
esthetician school always teach proper sterilizing techniques. This is the No. 1 issue with unlicensed and untrained eyelash service workers — that they pass infection from one client to another due to improper sterilization practices.
Esthetician School in Sandy & Orem
Are you ready to further your education? ContactÂ
Skin Science Institute today about enrolling in one of our skincare courses or eyelash classes.